Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day 2 : the overheads are finally off...

Day two found us in St Louis with, believe it or not, a day off. That part was a bummer, but the good thing was that it meant we got to hang and bang with a few of our old buddies from Eagle Scout. Let me tell you, Kyle ben and Jeremiah KNOW how to party. First, Kyle prepared a bunch of Mexican tacos for everyone to scarf on. Muy mas deliciouso! Then we quickly made our way into the chill zone where we watched good will hunting (my first time) and the sandlot. After that we sat up giggling and talking til we fell asleep. It was a good night.

After we nom'd on all those Mexican tacos and taco salads, ben was suffering from some digestive difficulties. Here's a picture I accidentally snapped of Jeremiah administering his suppository treatment. I wish they had taken care of this in a more private place, but this is life and sometimes life can be pretty raw. 

Ben is a pretty gross dude. BUT, we were having a hard time getting his nintendo xbox to play DVDs, so he poked  and prodded at it, blew into it and licked on it until it finally started cooperating. All that to say, even though he's gross, I guess he's pretty smart, too.

Here's me taking a virtual crack at winning the old oaken bucket. It was very frustrating. Turns out, IU not only sucks at football in real life, but also in the nintendo universe. On a related note, I saw Coach Cream talking on a cell phone outside of laughing planet. I think I heard him offering money to Cody Zeller, though I couldn't be sure.

Here's Jeremiah posing with one of his wire sculptures that he wouldn't shut up about. He made these two jazz guys, plus a saxophone, a moon, a fish, and a bunch of other crap. We bought a couple of them from him before we left, as a gesture of thanks for letting us stay there, but we tossed them in the dumpster right outside his apartment as we were leaving. That's $350 we'll never see again...

Kyle got choked up during GWH. I think he missed his mom or something. Here he is clutching a pillow and laughing on the outside, but crying on the inside. Little known fact about Kyle, he's half Mexican. At least, that's about how his tacos tasted! Zing!!

Since we had the night off, "the Amazing" Zac Canale decided to put a little work into his magic act. Its a little known fact, but Zac's been an illusionists apprentice for years now. In fact, he's been known to, right in the middle of a song, make a drumstick completely disappear. 

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